Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Ubii's Going to a Children Bazaar

Dear Ubii anak wortel nya mami,

Hari itu tanggal 21 Juni, one day after you did your physiotherapy with Hello Kitty. LOL. Hari itu kita jalan-jalan liat bazaar anak di Gedung Wanitatama Jalan Solo. Seneng kaann jalan-jalan sama mami papi. Yes, we're one little happy family, like Barney's song. Hehehe. So, Ubii, niat awal kita ke bazaar adalah cari barang murah. Hahaha. You know how they sell their stuff in a bazaar, right? Biasanya sih selalu ada diskon. And, guess what?! We did find one! Yup! Mami nemu sepasang prewalker lucu banget buat Ubii. Biasanya papi kurang begitu suka sama pilihan mami, tapi kali ini papi juga setuju kalo prewalkernya cute banget. And it's pretty affordable, so we thought, "Why not?"

Here's a peek on your new prewalker. Biasanya mami pilih apa-apa pink. Walau ini bukan pink, mami jatuh hati #tsaah. Hope you like them too, dear.

Tadaaaa. Ini dia prewalkernya. Lucu nggak, Ubii?

Ubii's Physiotherapy with Hello Kitty

Dear my Aubrey,

It was the 20th of June when you took your regular physiotherapy. So, that day, you wore your mommy's favorite outfit. HELLO KITTY. Hahaha. Of course with the Hello Kitty beanie as well. You looked incredibly cute, as always. Mbak Nia, your therapist, also said that you looked adorable. Well, you know, you combined with Hello Kitty = perfection!

Okay, forget the Hello Kitty. That day you performed such an amazing activity on your physiotherapy. You were so cooperative and cheerful. Thanks Ubii, you made mommy and daddy so happy and thankful that day. Usually, you start crying in the middle of your exercise, then stop crying when Mbak Nia starts to massage your feet, but then start crying again when she massages your hands. It's alright. Mommy understands how painful that might be since your hands are still stiff. Your feet were stiff too and when they were, you always cried when they were massaged. So just hang on baby. Your hands will get better, too. Believe me!

Dear Ubii,

Here, let mommy show you your pictures while you're doing the physiotherapy:

How you looked on the Hello Kitty outfit. Adorable, don't you think?

Ubii's First Visiting Cinema (Tapi Batal Nonton)

Dear Ubii anak Mami,

Hari itu tanggal 17 Juni 2013, kita bertiga (Papi, Mami, dan Ubii) jalan-jalan ke Ambarrukmo Plaza. Sebenernya kita mau nonton Superman, sayang (Papi sih yg kepengen banget, LOL). Tapi, sayang tiketnya habis. HAHAHAHA. Jadi akhirnya kita muter-muter aja & mampir makan crepes sambil minumin Ubii obat. Hari itu Ubii pake baju yang dikasi Oma. Bajunya lucuuuu lhoh. Baju Ubii yang ini udah dikasi sejak lamaaa banget. Tapi cuman disimpen lemari aja karena masih kebesaran banget di Ubii. Sekarang udah cukup! HOREEEE. Itu artinya Ubii udah tambah besar. Mami seneeng sekali ^^
Sebenernya mami pengen pakein Ubii daleman warna ijo, tapi papi pengen Ubii pake warna item & headband nya juga yang item (you know your dad). But, you still looked so cute, don't worry :D As always, princess :)

Here are the pictures of you that day:

Udah ngantri tiket lhoh kita, tapi SOLD OUT (papi mewek)

Sorry Mommy Missed Writing So Many Stories About You

Dear Ubii,

It's been a while since mommy's last post for your blog. Mommy's really sorry. Mommy's been pretty busy recently. But, hey, don't worry sugar! Although mommy didn't really have time for writing here, mommy kept taking pictures of your doing things and stuff. So, now that mommy has time to open your blog, mommy's gonna post all.
Many things happened since our last post. It's like we're going to a children bazaar, we're going to Ambarrukmo Plaza, we're going to hospital, we're going to Jakarta to get you hearing aids, and stuff. Mommy will write them all tonight. So, be prepared! ^^


Your mommy,